Oregon's progress deserves a tip of the cap
Progress for the Ducks meant 15,000 fans at PK Park over the weekend and a whole lot more talking about baseball.
EUGENE — I don’t really care that Mark Wasikowski didn’t get Oregon to Omaha yesterday.
Would have been nice, no doubt. The last two weeks have been a treat. It’s June, 15,000 crammed into PK Park over the weekend and over the last day something new has unfolded on Oregon Twitter: an old-fashioned meltdown over pitching changes and baseball recruiting.
Wrote former Register-Guard scribe Steve Mims:
Oregon baseball “fans” who couldn’t have named an assistant coach or 3 players last week flying off the handle over Super Regionals are something else.
He’s not wrong, but let’s be careful not to gate keep. It’s been a decade since Oregon baseball mattered like this. The bandwagon — armchair quarterbacks included — is a sign of progress. And with Wasikowski’s Ducks, progress is allowed.